Business | Pexels by fauxels
Business | Pexels by fauxels
Thursday, March 2, 2023 11:30 AM - Thursday, December 7, 2023 1:00 PM EST
Leadership is a very important business skill. Businesses rise, fall, or stall based on their level of leadership. Regardless of industry or location, if the level of leadership is increased, the business will grow and thrive.
The Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership is committed to helping our members develop their leadership skills, knowledge, and strategies. We are partnering with High-Performance, an HBK Company to conduct a 12-month leadership series that will give Erie area businesses a leadership edge.
Instead of doing a broad brush of many leadership topics, this series will focus on important leadership themes each quarter. Each session will have a specific focus that will include discussion, tools, and specific action steps that will allow for easy implementation into day to day business. This series will also give attendees an opportunity to network with other business leaders in Erie and provide for possibilities of collaboration.
The following are the themes we will be covering with the subsequent topics. Full descriptions of each topic will be given ahead of the sessions. Time for each session is 11:30am-1:00pm.
March 2nd How Clarifying Your Purpose Changes Everything
March 16th The Power of Energy, Attitude, and Mindset
April 27th Daily Disciplines of Successful Leaders
May 4th Building Cohesive Teams
May 18th The True Value of Personality Tests
June 29th Leadership That Inspires
July 20th Intentional Questions and Active Listening
August 17th How to Lead an Effective 25-Minute Meeting
September 14th Make Your Next Presentation Unforgettable
October 16th Creating a Vision That Unifies
November 16th Smart Goal Mapping
December 7th Leading Through Adversity
There are discounts for multiple session registrations and if you're a current member of the ERCGP! Each session will run approximately 45 minutes, with alloted time for lunch and brief networking.
Original source can be found here.