County of Douglas (KS)
Recent News About County of Douglas (KS) View More
DOUGLAS COUNTY: CDPHE Moves Douglas County to Level Orange on COVID-19 Dial Framework
On Thursday, Nov. 12, the Board of Douglas County Commissioners issued the following statement regarding the notification by CDPHE of Douglas County’s COVID-19 Safer at Home Dial Level Change:
DOUGLAS COUNTY LIBRARIES: Virtual Storytime to be held on October 15, 2020
All the DCL Storytime fun you're used to, only you join us from the comfort and safety of your home.
HIGHLANDS RANCH: Why Legal Paperwork? Getting All Your Ducks in a Row to be held on October 13, 2020
Highlands Ranch recently issued the following announcement.Date:10/13/2020 10:00 a.m.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: Liquor License Authority to be held on October 6, 2020
You may attend Commissioner Meetings.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: Are you a veteran with a desire to help veterans?
If you are a veteran with a desire to help fellow veterans, consider applying to be a part-time, volunteer Douglas County Veterans Service Officer. Applications will be accepted through Oct. 30, 2020.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: Seniors’ Council Virtual Monthly Meeting to be held on October 1, 2020
Believe it or not, parts of Medicare change each year. Join us for our annual Medicare Open Enrollment Update as presenter Dennis DelPizzo from the Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services shares the latest information on our plan options for 2021, the Part B premium, deductibles & benefits relative to COVID-19.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: Congratulations, Douglas County, Colorado – You are second healthiest community in America
Smile big if you live in Douglas County, Colorado! Your community has been ranked second nationwide as the healthiest community in America, according to the 2020 Healthiest Communities rankings by U.S. News and World Report, released in collaboration with the Aetna Foundation.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: Douglas County is election ready, are you?
If you are a registered voter in Douglas County, anticipate the arrival of your ballot by mail the week of Oct. 12.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: I-25 South Gap hosts telephone townhall Thursday, Sept. 17
This month, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and contractor partner, Kraemer North America, mark two years of construction on the 18-mile I-25 South Gap project, which will increase safety and mobility through the delivery of Express Lanes, wider shoulders, new bridges, wildlife crossings and improved technology. The entire project remains on schedule to conclude in 2022.
DOUGLAS COUNTY LIBRARIES: Teen Reads for Grown-Ups - Virtual Book Club to be held on September 16, 2020
Join us from the comfort of your home for a Zoom discussion.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: Construction has started to widen US 85 between Sedalia and Louviers in Douglas County
Construction is under way to widen and improve U.S. 85 between Sedalia (SH 67) and Louviers in Douglas County.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: Life of a Ballot: follow your vote’s journey through the election process
All registered voters in Douglas County receive their ballots by mail.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: Community COVID-19 testing available in Douglas County now through Dec. 30, 2020
It’s now easier to access COVID-19 testing in Douglas County.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: Douglas County needs you!
Are you looking for a way to make a difference in your community? Share your talent and expertise on one of our many Citizen Advisory Boards, Committees or Commissions — it’s a hands-on way for you to engage in the County’s governance and serve your community.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: Commissioners commit to more than $8 million for municipal share of County’s CARES Act Funds
Douglas County Commissioners’ August 25 adoption of a CARES ACT Funding Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) among Douglas County and the municipalities of Castle Pines, Castle Rock, Larkspur, Lone Tree, and Parker, will allow the cities and towns to seek reimbursement for specific COVID-19 related expenses incurred beginning on March 1 through December 30, 2020.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: BOCC Land Use Meeting / Public Hearing to be held on August 25, 2020
You may attend Commissioner Meetings in the following ways.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: Encounter Douglas County public art and vote for your favorite
The celebrated Douglas County Art Encounters outdoor public art program has recently installed 20 pieces by 12 artists in public places throughout Castle Rock, Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree and Roxborough.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: Douglas County students invited to explore election themes through art
Just because your Douglas County student may not be able to vote doesn’t mean they can’t be engaged in the upcoming Presidential Election.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: BOCC Business Meeting to be held on August 11, 2020
You may attend Commissioner Meetings.